2021 Schedule of Events

04/19/2021April 194thMarch to Concord Sudbury, MA
05/15/2021May 154thMiddlesex Battalion Drill Fort Deven's Museum; Devens, MA
06/15/21June 1585emeDrillLocation TBD
06/19/2021June 18-204thRaid Along the Mohawk Little Falls, NY
06/23/2021June 2385emeDrillLocation TBD
6/26/2021June 26AllPrivate Regimental Gathering
07/01/2021July 185emeDrillLocation TBD
07/16/2021July 16-1785emeDeclaration of Independence Celebration Exeter, NH
07/24/2021July 23-254thBrown’s RaidFort Ticonderoga, NY
08/20/2021Aug. 20-2285emeHistory Alive Hillsborough, NH
08/28/2021Aug. 27-294thWillam Trent House Encampment Trenton, NJ
09/03/2021Sept. 3-54thPatriots and RedcoatsFort Griswold, Connecticut
09/06/2021Sept. 685emeLabor Day Parade Marlborough, MA
09/17/2021Sept. 17-194thBattle of Old Fort Niagara Fort Niagara, Youngstown, NY
09/24/2021Sept. 24-2685emeReturn to Fort at 4 Charlestown, NH
09/25/2021Sept. 2585emeSudbury Faire and Fyfe & Drum Muster Sudbury, MA